When depression sets in no amount of begging will help.
You are spot on about soaking the small donors for everything we’ve got and pretending that up against billionaires who are Fascists we have a chance in hell to help save a democracy. Small “d”.
I am clear that a better way to get the attention of our “public servants” ( politicians) is to stop paying our taxes. Just stop until those who have been elected to do “our bidding” do so. Also stop paying their salaries.
Until the “Citizen’s” supremely Fascists court takes back “Citizens United” we refuse to pay taxes. Let them fill the prisons with us . No shopping, no jobs , no doing all the dirty work for nothing for these mega monopolies. And stop paying for running for office! And do not allow anyone to run for any office for more than a month per year. When do they actually get to work doing the job they were hired to do? Well , just look at congress. A comedy for sure if it wasn’t our money paying for NOTHING! Let them hire enough police officers to arrest all of us non- paying tax payers! Oh, that’s right, that’s our money too....
When depression sets in no amount of begging will help.
You are spot on about soaking the small donors for everything we’ve got and pretending that up against billionaires who are Fascists we have a chance in hell to help save a democracy. Small “d”.
I am clear that a better way to get the attention of our “public servants” ( politicians) is to stop paying our taxes. Just stop until those who have been elected to do “our bidding” do so. Also stop paying their salaries.
Until the “Citizen’s” supremely Fascists court takes back “Citizens United” we refuse to pay taxes. Let them fill the prisons with us . No shopping, no jobs , no doing all the dirty work for nothing for these mega monopolies. And stop paying for running for office! And do not allow anyone to run for any office for more than a month per year. When do they actually get to work doing the job they were hired to do? Well , just look at congress. A comedy for sure if it wasn’t our money paying for NOTHING! Let them hire enough police officers to arrest all of us non- paying tax payers! Oh, that’s right, that’s our money too....
I noted through twitter to Biden no court expansion no $3400 for whatever that’s worth
Why are you not reporting on the religious decision issued today?
I believe the second paragraph should answer your question.