From your lips to God's ears, Jordan. I too hope that Progressives score big. I wouldn't worry too much about Biden losing because Progressives think he is too timid. He is, and I wish he weren't, but he has accomplished great things under trying circumstances.

I do hope that he takes advantage of the genocide in Gaza to cut the funds altogether to Bibi's government: The plain fact is that we were never honest brokers in that dispute and ended up giving obscene amounts of money to Israel since its inception. [to the tune of 3.2 Billion/year if I am correct.]

The Likud and the present policies of Israel give us a dream excuse to cut this expensive umbilical cord and do the honorable thing. Defending Human Rights means *everybody's* Human rights.

There can be only one solution in the area: the 2 States solution, and that is what Biden is pushing for.

Progressives will moan and groan, but I expect we will be with Biden in the end.

By the way, I saw that some Arab States are starting to propose solutions to the problem of Gaza:


Unfortunately, I'm not a subscriber, so I could not read the article fully, but it makes sense that pooling their leverage just might help deblock the impasse.

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Jan 2Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Happy New Year Jordon! The links to news broadcasts is a good one. I can’t bring myself to watch tv news but these bites are good.

Please keep up all your good work.

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Jan 2Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Happy New Year Jordan. Let us hope it finishes that way. Keep up the great work.

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Happy new year to you too! And thank you!

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